Snogging me comes with a health warning!

Dinner date with danger. 'I'm forced to put my life in the hands of strangers every time I eat out.' Ruth Holroyd [...]
Mum on the run, I only ever wanted the best for my son, but it left me on the other side of the law

'I only ever wanted the best for my son, but it left me on the other side of the law. I wasn't an irresponsible person [...]
My dinner out almost killed me and left me too scared to leave the house

Ruth Holroyd, 47, almost died after being served a 'dairy-free' salmon dish containing cream and milk. Within minutes [...]
Jo was powerless to stop her sister going back into the lion’s den

Jo Beverley tells how she felt powerless to save her sister Natalie Hemming from emotional and physical abuse. Natalie [...]
I felt too ugly to live

Dysmorphia sufferer reveals how she learned to cope after considering suicide at 13 and being diagnosed at 19. Kitty [...]
The bride and the brute

Aged just 19, pregnant - and marrying her first love - Sam, Barnett, 26, didn't realise how scared she should
My brain felt foggy for weeks

Melissa Thomlinson, 46 from Newark, suffered a concussion after hitting her head in a car
Off beat! Danielle was suffering from a case of rhythm and blues

As Danielle peeled off her PE kit, her head began to swim. She thought she was hungry, but as her body temperature rose [...]
Being with Fern is like having a mistress!

Paul Vickery, 46, is a man wise enough to know he's got everything he could ever want... Download a [...]
What kind of woman sells out her daughter?

Kerry Katona tells Woman why she's estranged from her mum, and why she feels she's a good [...]
The irrepressible Ms Walters

In a rare interview, Julie Walters talks to GH about everything from her Catholic upbringing to her stellar career [...]
Dump your psycho-baggage and lose a stone!

Why is it that our body size increases and decreases in tune with what's going on in our hearts, heads and [...]
Look at me now – I starved myself until I was 4st 5lb

Grief was the trigger when Lorna Jones, 23, stopped eating - and it nearly proved fatal Download a [...]
Thank you… Our wishes came true!

For 30 years Make-A-Wish has been putting a smile back on the faces of poorly children [...]
Charge of the Heavy Brigade

For centuries, Indians have revered the elephant as a god. But, now that jungle clearances have disrupted its [...]
The Anger Games

Put-downs, emotional control and cutting you off from your friends. This is the new face of domestic [...]
Goldie’s Big Adventure

The earth's last giants are in retreat - man is driving them into extinction. Yet as Goldie Hawn discovered, [...]