I’ve made Potts of money says former Britain’s Got Talent winner Paul

Two years ago Paul Potts faced bankruptcy – now his biggest concern is whether Jack Black or Vince Vaughan will [...]
I helped my son beat autism by making him give up Weetabix

A few weeks ago, a one-woman campaign culminated in Polly Tommey meeting the Prime Minister to improve support for [...]
England star Joe Cole plays Santa for Kids’ hospice

Joe Cole has the world at his feet - a glittering career, gorgeous model wife, baby daughter on the way and [...]
Breaking it! How actress Sian Reeves shattered her ribcage in 21 places

The cast at the Young Vic theatre were buzzing. With just a week to go before opening night, the feeling was that [...]
Would you let a room full of adults judge your child’s looks?

Junior beauty pageants are big business in the US – and earlier this year, Britain held its first one. More than [...]
Can you ever cure autism? This mum believes her sons have recovered

Just two years ago, Nina Ltief was considering putting her autistic twin sons into residential care. Their [...]